January 18, 2006

Crime, Time and Sometimes

Hi all,
Even as I am writing this I am wondering how fast time flies and fast things change. You know those phrases…”In the olden
days…”. When filling up your car tank full of petrol only cost you 50c. You will be lucky now days if it costs you R200. Things have changed, prices have gone up, climates are either getting hotter or colder depending on where you are in the world.

People have changed. I don’t
actually know what to make of it all, I don’t know maybe I have just grown up and noticed how different things are.

Crime now is like a full time job for some people. Nobody is safe anymore. Sorry that this is so dark and gloomy but it is the truth.
Nothing is sacred to the people
who depend on crime to get on in life and make so money. So the question is…”What can we do…?” Pray and hope that things change that’s all we can do…
Anyway as I said time is rushing on and I have
loads and loads to do.

I’ll Write again soon….I promise!!!
Remember to have a good day and 2 behave yourselves.

PS Just some stuff for you…
SOMETIMES...We must be hurt in order to grow,We must fail in order to know,We must lose in order to gain.Some Lessons are learned best only through pain.

SOMETIMES...Our vision clears only after our eyes are washed with tears.We have to be broken, so we can be tender,We are sick so we can rest and think better on things more important thanwork or fun,We are taken for trip near death, so we can assess how we've run.
SOMETIMES...We have to suffer lack, so we can know God's provision,We have to feel another's pain, so we can have a sense of mission.So take heart, if you don't understand today,Instead of grumbling, ask God what He means to say,In order to learn you must endure, and learn to see the bigger picture.In order to grow, you must stand and look beyond the hurt,Trust in God's loving hand that takes what is Good, and gives what is Best,And on this blessed thought, rest your anxious heart with all the questions,God's hand only gives what his loving heart dictates,SOMETIMES...The Lord calms the storm,
SOMETIMES... He lets the storm rage... and calms His child.Better go through the storm
with Him,Than smooth waters without Him.
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they
were meant to be serve some sort of purpose, teach you a
lesson or help figure
out whom you are or who you want to become. You
never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know
that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.
Someone Special

And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible,
painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without
overcoming those obstacles
you would never realize your potential,
strength, will power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means
of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer
stupidity all occur to test
limits of your soul.
Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved,
straight, flat road to nowhere, safe and comfortable but dull and
utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that
you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be
learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important
ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive
them because they
have helped you learn about trust and the importance
of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because
they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open
your heart and eyes to
little things. Make every day count. Appreciate
everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again.
Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually
listen. Let yourself fall in love,
break free and set your sights high.
Hold you head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if
you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in
Create you own life and then go out and live it.
Share this with anyone whom you believe has made a difference in your
"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles"

January 16, 2006

More Movies....

Hi all,

It is Monday once again, sun is shining with a breeze. Friday I watched “Batman begins” with Christian Bale and Katie Holmes. Saturday watched “Eye for an Eye” with Kiefer Sutherland, Sally Fields and Ed Harris. Saturday we were all boiling alive in the heat. WOW it was hot.
Thankfully Sunday was a bit cooler. Sunday
I watched “Stealth” with Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx and Josh Lucas. Then watched “Father of the Bride” with Steve Martin, Diane Keaton and Kieran Culkin. Ja I know it’s a lot of movies for 1 weekend.
But it is not my fault if I love to watch movies. They were all very good movies. “Father of the bride” was a comedy and believe me it was extremely funny. A total family drama. “Stealth”, “Eye for an eye” and “Batman Begins” was complete action and motion with a little bit of romance along the way. Okay enough of movies.
Who of you remember “Echo Point” a soapie that used to come on TV about 8 to 10 years ago. Can you believe the guy who acted as “Zac” is actually Martin Henderson from “Torque”.
As for me, I am okay I guess no
real changes in my life. Just very hectic buzy. 26 days to my birthday and then I will be 23. Every year people ask me if I feel any different in since I was probably 16 or so I have always answered no I don’t feel any different maybe this year though will different for me, I dunno but I will let u know. Do u guys ever feel different on your birthdays? Like you have aged another year or that you feel more wise lol :P.

Anyway it’s time for me to go back to work.
I’ll Write again soon….I promise!!!
Remember to have a good day and 2 behave yourselves.


January 13, 2006

Elizabeth Town and Serious News...

Hey, I’ve been completely so buzy…
Thank goodness it is Friday otherwise I would of completely last my mind already. Anyway I had some hectic problems with my car doors so I couldn’t come to work on Thursday but it was nice because then at least I got the day of. It was sweltering hot yesterday, it was kind of hectic but now it is overcast and there is a gentle breeze.
I finally watched “Elizabeth Town” ….am I going crazy have I written about this …I don’t think so anyway it’s with Jessica Biel, Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, and many other well know actors. Anyway it was a love story/ drama, it was very good. Tom Cruise, Paula Wagner helped produce. Mission Impossible 3 is also going to be released soon also produced by the Paula and Tom.
Have a wonderful weekend….
I’ll Write again soon….I promise!!!
Remember to have a good day and 2 behave yourselves.

P.S If You Were a Dog,
>What Breed Would You Be???
>Aries: Jack Russell Terrier.
>You are really friendly, very feisty, and completely untrainable!
>You have boundless energy to run around and mess things up!
>You also like to be the centre of attention.
>Taurus: Saint Bernard.
>You are a big, mushy, lovable, slobbery kind soul. You love to work,
>in any condition, and help people with a lick and a smile. Let's not
>forget your stubborn streak, once you get your paws into something,
>you're not likely to let go soon!
>Gemini: Yorkie.
>You are really cute and bouncy, very yappy, and best off all,
>you have really well groomed hair--with accessories to match!
>Cancer: Chihuahua.
>Everyone thinks you're all cute and cuddly until they get into your
>space and you want to bite their head off, "Ruff, don't touch my bone!"
>Leo: Great Dane.
>The king of all dogs. You do everything larger than life, from the way you
>walk to the way you play. You command attention and have a big loud bark!
>Virgo: Westie.
>The dog in you is stubborn and pleasing. You are one of the cutest and
>well groomed pooches around, and you love to work, too. Once you
>get into a good bone, you can dissect the thing for hours with energy and
>Libra: Greyhound.
>Your inner dog is both graceful and classic. If you had it your way,
>you wouldn't use your speed for racing, you'd run from one party to
>you don't like to work--just to play!
>Scorpio: German Shepherd.
>As a the master of the universe, you are the most intense breed.
>You inspire both awe and fear. You are cautious around strangers
>but LOVE your best friends. You strut with an air of mystery--what are you
>thinking today?
>Sag: Golden Retriever.
>One of the friendliest breeds, you love everyone you come in contact with
>You are always up for a new adventure--a hike in the woods or a dip in
>someone else's pool but
>love to come home for a good nap a the end of the day.
>Capricorn: Pug.
>You are cute and cuddly, but balance that with a feisty independent streak.
>Mostly good natured, every once in a while you give a loud snort if
>isn't going your way.
>Aquarius: Miniature Schnauzer.
>You've definitely got a mind of your own but no one can really understand
>what's going on in there! You are cautious with strangers and like to bark
>lot--sometimes about nothing. Opinionated and adventurous, you are always
>up for a
>good sniff.
>Pisces: Toy Poodle.
>You just want to cuddle up to someone you love all day long, do nothing,
>get carried everywhere, and never let your feet touch the ground.
>Being treated like a princess (or prince) isn't bad either.


Please be warned this serious!
Three women in North Florida turned up at hospitals over a 5-dayperiod,> all with the same symptoms. Fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by> muscular collapse, paralysis, and finally, death.

There were nooutward> signs of trauma. Autopsy results showed toxicity in the blood.>> These women did not know each other, and seemed to have nothing in> common. It was discovered, however, that they had all visited the same> Restaurant (Olive Garden) within days of their deaths. The health> department descended on the restaurant, shutting it down. The food,> water, and air conditioning were all inspected and tested, to noavail.>>
The big break came when a waitress at the restaurant was rushed to the> hospital with similar symptoms... She told doctors that she had beenon> vacation, and had only went to the restaurant to pick up her check.>
She did not eat or drink while she was there, but had used therestroom.>> That is when one toxicologist, remembering an article he had read,drove> out to the restaurant, went into the restroom, and lifted the toilet> seat.>> Under the seat, out of normal view, was a small spider. The spider was> captured and brought back to the lab, where it was determined to bethe> Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata), so named because of its> reddened flesh color. This spider's venom is extremely toxic, but can> take several days to take effect.
They live in cold, dark, damp> climates, and toilet rims provide just the right atmosphere...>> Several days later a lawyer from Jacksonville showed up at a hospital> emergency room. Before his death, he told the doctor, that he had been> away on business, had taken a flight from Indonesia, changing planesin> Singapore, before returning home.
He did not visit (Olive Garden),while> there. He did, as did all of the other victims, have what wasdetermined> to be a puncture wound, on his right buttock.>> Investigators discovered that the flight he was on had originated in> India.
The Civilian Aeronautics Board (CAB) ordered an immediate> inspection of the toilets of all flights from India, and discoveredthe> Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata) spider's nests on 4> different planes!>> It is now believed that these spiders can be anywhere in the country.>> So please, before you use a public toilet, lift the seat to check for> spiders. It can save your life!> And please pass this on to everyone you care about.


January 06, 2006

Buzy, work and horses


Friday at long last…it’s gonna be a hot summer I can tell. It is only the beginning of January and already this heat is intolerable.
It is quiet in my office not to say that it is not buzy, it is.
Every 1 here works in this quiet buzz u know. Except for the telephone constantly ringing and some staff talking.
Goin horse riding today I haven’t been since mid December and I miss the horses and the riding. It is so beautiful there cool, loads of trees, green grass, stables and of coz loads of horses.
Its like I want to be there all the time.
Cause the horses seem to get you more then humans do sometimes. Or maybe it is just that God gave them a special instinct so that they know how to act around us.
My mom and dad are still on leave until the 9th of January luck for them. I read “The Fireman” by Stephen Leather, which is good kept me in suspense all the way til the last page.
Watched “Torque” with Martin Henderson, Ice Cube and Jay Hernandez. It was action all the way, fast moves and even faster mouths. Very cool.
Did you like the fireworks, I thought they were absolutely stunning! Brilliant colours, shapes and brightness.
Anyway I got loads and loads to do b4 I go home today some must go but…
I’ll Write again soon….I promise!!!
Remember to have a good day and 2 behave yourselves.

January 05, 2006


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I would've liked to be there to c this!!

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Traps my breath

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Colours for Africa

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Happy new year!!!

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120th blog and the highlights of last year!!!

what a year it has been. March I didn’t even have a blog and later in the year I met a couple of new people who have become friends so it has been nice.
June I started a
new job in Nov I started horse riding so a lot of things have been happening this year and I am glad. That my life is gradually continue to flow, not growing one sloppy mess. I am also glad that I have this blog to air my feelings and read what other people are going through and then think hell my life isn’t so bad.
I also met a guy, so the year is changing for the better I guess. No more hiding in my room and reading so many books my new years resolution for 2006.
Hopefully next year I will be a little more social than I am now… we’ll c.

Here are the highlights of my year…1st line of each blog as seen done by iris on her blog.
Jan 2006
I am back now from Sabie. It was lovely there. Rained a lot though which is kinda hectic if you are in a tent.
Dec 2005
Wow I have been buzy since I last wrote. Horse riding Saturday (which was cool), Sunday was the Idols final (SA which Karin won), Monday I went and did shopping then went to the library.
Nov 2005
Well the sun is out and it is warm in my office even though the wind is blowing outside.
Oct 2005
My 80th blog already and a short time ago I was only on my first 1 wow!!! :0
Sept 2005
I don’t have much to say today though I thought I would let you think about this poem and where you are destined…
Aug 2005
Sorry I haven’t had a chance to write to you all once again been really buzy…I am goin on leave for a while next week so I wont be able to write from about the 5th to the 9th of Aug but I promise I shall write on the 10th.
July 2005
Interesting Links:
June 2005
My apologies for not writing sooner but you people surely know how crazy it can get when you have a new job. And have too learn everything from scratch.
May 2005
Anyway winter is coming and it is getting cold, time for cocoa and blankets every1.
April 2005
At least we can relax a bit and do what we want to do instead of constant working and stress
March 2005
Hadn’t started Blog yet

I’ll Write again soon….I promise!!!
Remember to have a good day and 2 behave yourselves.

January 04, 2006

Sabie, Sight seeing and mist


I am back now from Sabie. It was lovely there. Rained a lot though which is kinda hectic if you are in a tent.
After Christmas day went all the way to Ficksberg (OFS-SA) to go and see my uncle, stayed the day and then we drove all the way to Sabie (NE Transvaal – SA).
Wasn’t able to put up the tent straight away because we got there so late so we had to sleep in the car until 5am…was very uncomfortable believe me. Then we put the tent up and slept a little b4 going to sight see.
We did a lot of sight seeing:-
Nelspruit, White River, Hazyview, God’s Window, Saldwana Caves and Dinosaur Park, Ermelo, Mac – Mac Falls & Pools, Lydenberg, Ficksberg (OFS), Kruger National Park and Sabie of course.
At Merry Pebbles (
Campsite-@Sabie) there was lovely heated pools, a waterfall and a resturant.
It was very interesting and hugely exciting. There were huge amounts of forests and mist as well
as mountain scenery. At the kruger we saw Elephants, bucks, Kudu, Giraffes, Rhino and turtles. While we were in Nelspruit we saw the movie “Rumour has it…” with Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner and Shirley Maclaine. The movie was okay and very funny, all about rumours and family secrets.

Chat later
