October 26, 2007

05 October-25 October

Hey all,
Do you ever wonder what job you are supposed to be doing? Are you meant to be a Doctor, Cop, Minister, Paramedic, Administrator, Accountant, Engineer, Musicians, Sportsmen/woman, Psychiatrist, Teacher, or a Student? There are so many fields one could choose from. Have you ever wondered what we are supposed to be doing with our lives? Or if we have chosen the right path, do you feel deep inside that you have the right career? I was asked what I want to do before I turn 40 and the question has spun me around. I can’t help keep questioning myself.

I have been thinking for months and I can’t even think of any thing half reasonable to answer that question. I don’t know where to even begin. I’m sure that God wants me where I am at this moment, but one day from now? One Week? One year? I can’t even guess. They say life is like an incomplete tapestry, you just see the mess, the tangle of colour, the knots, the confusion and the incomplete work. Once you have completed it, turn it over and look at the picture, it all starts to make sense and realize then why you even bothered creating it. It brings you more peace and joy then you’ll ever understand.

The weather has been crazy for the last couple of days, sun shining in the morning and then raining late afternoon onwards every single day. It is just plain weird. It might have something to do with pollution or maybe a sign of summer coming. Who Knows? I don’t remember last spring been like this.

My time so far:
5 Oct-Worked, saw friend & chatted, window shopping, ate, watched “Matrix” and then slept
6 Oct-went to see friends, slept, went to go and see neighbour’s dogs, watched “Aquamarine” & “ShopGirl” and then slept
7 Oct- Took neighbour’s dogs and our dog for a walk, read, knit, cut the grass, cleaned house, watched “High School Musical 2”, “Blue Streak”, “Walker: Texas Ranger”, chatted to family, played with the animals and then slept
8 Oct- Worked, watched “Numb3rs”, chatted to family and slept
9 Oct- Worked, watched “PSI Factor”, “TBAA” & “Standoff”, knitted and read, chatted to family, and then slept
10 Oct- Worked, watched “Heroes”, cooked, knitted, chatted to family and then slept

11 Oct- Worked, watched “So You Think You Can Dance?” & “Uptown Girls”, knitted, chatted to family and then slept
12 Oct-Worked, watched “So You Think You Can Dance?” & “Matrix2”, chatted to family and then slept
13 Oct- Watched “Center Stage”, “Rough Diamond” and “Mad About Mambo”. Made Lunch, Read “Horse Whisperer”
14 Oct- Watered garden, cleaned house, went shopping, finished reading “Horse Whisperer”, gave my mom a pedicure, chatted to family and then slept.
15 Oct-Working, shopping, knitting, watched “Numb3rs” chatted with family and then slept.
16 Oct- Worked, watched “PSI Factor”, “TBAA” & “Baywatch”, “Standoff”, knitted and read, chatted to family, and then slept
17 Oct- Worked, watched “Heroes”, cooked, knitted, chatted to family and then slept
18 Oct- Worked, watched “So You
Think You Can Dance?” & “Will & Grace”, knitted, chatted to family and then slept
19 Oct- Worked, went to the library, and watched “So You Think You Can Dance?”, chatted to the family and then slept.

20 Oct- Went shopping, read, slept, chatted to the family, played with the animals, read some more and then slept

21 Oct- Did Gardening, Cleaned House, washed car, watched “Steal”, read and then slept.
22 Oct-Worked, watched “Numb3rs”, cooked, knitted, read and then slept
23 Oct- Worked, went to go and see my aunt, and watched “Touched by An Angel” &“Standoff’ Also read, knitted, chatted to family and then slept
24 Oct-Worked, watched “Heroes”, cooked, baked Crunchies, Knitting, reading, chatted to family and then slept
25 Oct-Worked, shopping, watched “So you think you can dance”, read and then slept

Keep well all of you!
Will Write Soon….
Sillver :)

October 05, 2007

13 September- 04October

Hello, how are you all? I’m Fine, Buzy as always. Into spring, has been raining a lot though, which has brought the cold weather. Went Camping, it had been a while since we last went, but we got into the routine soon enough.

Anyway here is the breakdown so far:
13 Sept- Went to the Library, worked, went to my sister’s school play, watched “So you think you can Dance?” chatted to family and slept
14 Sept- Worked, watched “So you think you can Dance?” played with my cat, knitted and slept
15 Sept-Read “Barcode Rebellion”, chatted with friends and family, knitted and slept
16 Sept- Cleaned our Tent, made Supper, watched “Derailed” (Jean Claude Van Damme), knitted, read, chatted with family and slept
17 Sept- Worked, Cooked, watered the garden, played with my cat, knitted, chatted with family and slept
18 Sept- Worked, watched “Touched by an Angel”, “Standoff” & “PSI Factor”, knitted and slept
19 Sept- Worked, cooked, watched “Fab 5”, knitted and slept
20 ~21 Sept- Worked, Chatted with family, watched “So You think you can Dance?”, packed for weekend away, spoke to friends, slept
22 Sept-Packed Car Drove to Margate (SA) drove to Port Edward (SA) & South Broom (SA), cooked, chatted with family and then slept
23 Sept-Made Breakfast, then went to go and checkout Ramsgate (SA), Margate (SA), Marina Beach (SA) & Shelley Beach (SA). It was very overcast during this day. Made Supper and then slept.
24 Sept- (Public Holiday) Made Breakfast, chatted with family, Packed tent up and cleaned up. Drove home (Overcast and raining), Unpacked, cooked, watched “Numb3rs”, played with the animals and then slept
25~26 Sept- Worked, watched TV, chatted with family, went shopping, cooked and then slept
27~28 Sept- Worked, watched “So you think you can dance?”, chatted with family, House-sat a friends house, watched “HighSchool Musical” & “The X Team” and then slept
29 Sept- Watched “The Horse Whisper”, knitted, chatted to family, read and chilled, played solitaire and slept
30 Sept- Knitted, chatted to family, watched “Hard Rain” and “Walker: Texas Ranger”, read and then slept.
1 Oct- Worked, watched “Numb3rs”, knitted, chatted to family, did washing, cooked and then slept
2 Oct- Worked, Watched “PSI Factor” and “TBAA” and “Standoff”, knitted, read, chatted to family and slept
3 Oct- Happy Birthday C, Have a Good DAY! , Worked, went to the library, cooked, watched “Heroes”, read, knitted and slept.
4 Oct-Worked, went to training for the whole morning, and went to lunch with friends, worked some more, went to go and see friends, started reading “The Horse Whisper”, chatted to family and then slept

Wow I was watching “”Standoff” on the 2nd of Oct and I saw Thomas you know from the “Bold and the Beautiful” it was quite cool to see him in a different kind of programme. “Standoff” is a Negotiator type of programme; it actually glues you to your chair awaiting the outcome with bated breath. The time passes so fast, that when it finishes –you actually can’t believe it is the actual end of the episode. “Heroes” is another series in the same category of nail biting anticipation, although completely a different story line.
Well the sun is shining (3Oct) at the moment, I hope it lasts.
Will Post Some Pictures of Zac Efron (“High School Musical”), The Sequel is been released on the Disney Channel (DSTV) sometime in October. Just in case you’re wondering where all the places are that are mentioned above, they’re in the South Africa (SA).
Anybody else watch “So you think you can Dance?” What do you guys think? Well in SA we are at the Top 18. Any ideas that is going to win?
Surprise, Surprise the (4Oct) is overcast again

Keep well all of you!
Will Write Soon….
