March 29, 2006

Hey, wednesday and other stuff

Hi all,

Well this week so far has been hectic….
The weather has been doing weird things but that is not unusual. It is very buzy here. I am tired and can’t wait for Saturday….so that I can just chill for a while you know.
The movies I have watched so far are “Breakfast Club” which is quite a old movie it was showing one Monday on Etv (SA) then also watched “Armageddon” which is quite an intense and sad story. “Con Air” as well with Nicholas cage.
Jenny Siler “Flashback” –finished this book and others but not going to list obviously.

So who is watching D. O. O. L ( Days Of Our Lives) catch the drama, well I don’t know really whats going on in it around the world but in SA. Sami fell through the glass screen doors at Tony’s and hurt her throat so she can’t speak. Now since Lucas is there and is feeling terribly guilty about what happened. They seem to be getting closer and closer.
Which really is amazing since they hate each other.
Larry shoots Brady by accident (meant to shoot Victor-hired by Nicole).
Tony’s boat blows up with John and Tony on it.
Rex & Cassie know who there parents are- Roman & Kate. Shawn-D works for Mickey.
Anyway enough of the soap stuff, speak to you later.

Silver :)


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