November 18, 2005

This Wind, Plus 1 and there song "You"


How are all of you, fine I
Friday it is, how do u
like the changes I have done to my blog??? It is windy here but at least the sun is out now. For now the rain is done.
A colleague of my mothers is going for a brain tumour operation soon. When I actually started to think about
that all our problems seem so small and not worth even worrying about. Us humans are quite selfish in that we are always so worried about our problems, we never think about the poor people living in the street or people that will be starving tonight. We always put “me” first and never even dwell on anything else.
IF anyone has
heard that song by Plusone called “You” you will know exactly what I mean. That song has been on my mind a lot recently. Maybe it’s because God is trying to tell me that I focus to much on myself or that other people have problems not just me …I don’t know. If you are interested in checking out Plusone’s website it is

Have a wonderful weekend….try to relax and chill….
Thanks for reading my passages / blogs
I’ll Write again soon….I promise!!!
Remember to have a good
day and 2 behave yourselves.



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