Wednesday 4th May -dont we wish it was friday already!!!
Hey all,
So I haven’t written in a while I know that but I am a very busy person u know lol
Anyway winter is coming and it is getting cold, time for cocoa and blankets every1. Avril Lavigne will be here in exactly 6 more days (next Tuesday). My mom’s birthday is in about three weeks so I guess I should plan for that 2.
I have been feeling in a black mood lately but am hoping the sun will rise soon and the rain clouds will blow away. But you u know what they say about clouds, rite. Each 1 has a silver lining just wish I could find my silver lining. Maybe it is in the fact that my parents and family love me or that I can have a cat to love. A job that I can call mine…
So what’s it then that puts me so below into the deep black of sadness. Maybe it’s a sense of loneliness, I just know and I really don’t feel like looking for answers but believe me 1 of these days I will come out of this and it will be completely behind me. I hope that in the mean time my friends can forgive me if I have been bratty and snappy etc to them
On a much brighter note Kingdom of heaven and The Pacifier is been released this Friday on the cinema that is the 6th of May along with xxx2.
Chat soon to you all
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